Tartu city parking is now also available in the Snabb app. Lowest service fee, most convenient app, and all essential parking information in one place.
You can purchase a Tartu long-term parking permit at tartuparkimine.ee
In Tartu streets, there are 3 parking zones and several free areas for parking. You can find the location of the zones and more detailed information best in the Snabb app.
In addition, all free parking areas and more detailed parking instructions, especially if the free parking time is limited, can be found in the Snabb app.
Tartu paid area parking permits can be purchased via the tartuparkimine.ee website or at the information center of the town hall (Tartu town hall, I floor, tel. 1789, infokeskus@tartu.ee).
With the Snabb app, it’s also possible to park in several private parking lots throughout Tartu. These include: