The use of the Wwwash app requires installation of the software and registration of a user account. During the installation of the Wwwash app, the mobile number of the Wwwash service user is linked to the respective user account and added to the database.
When using the Wwwash app, the user can choose whether he/she wishes to pay for the car wash service with a credit card, mobile payment or prepaid account.
All complaints can be sent to our support team via email or by calling our support line +372 58114001 (available on workdays 08.00-17.00 EET).
The user of the Wwwash app can pay for the car wash service with a credit card payment, which requires the prior activation of the credit card data within the app and acceptance of Wwwash Terms and Conditions.
Mobile payments can be made by a user of the Wwwash app who has concluded a mobile payment agreement.
Prepaid account payments can be made by a user that has purchased prepaid credit.
When making credit card, mobile and prepaid account payments, the receiver of the payment is Wwwash INC. who forwards the received payment to the car wash service provider.
When making credit card and mobile payments, a service free is added per each usage of the car wash service. The named service fee includes payment commission fees, incl. Visa / MasterCard service fees. The amount of the service fee is displayed in the mobile app. In the event that the mobile payment intermediary enacts a fee for the usage of the payment service, which has to be paid by the customers separately, then the named fees are not included in the Wwwash credit card and mobile payment fee.
The intermediation of credit card payments in the Wwwash app is carried out through ADYEN BV pursuant to the following conditions Terms & Conditions.
Wwwash shall be responsible for the functioning of credit card payments and offers card owners support in solving problems. The resolution of credit card and mobile payment related disputes also takes place through Wwwash. The contact for Wwwash credit card and mobile payment support service is: and phone number +372 58114001 – Inquiries submitted by e-mail shall receive a response within one business day. Wwwash shall resolve all credit card and mobile payment related complaints and applications within two business days.
When offering credit card and mobile payments, Wwwash acts as the economic agent of car wash service providers by intermediating payments made in the Wwwash app. The obligation of the customer in front of the car wash service provider shall be considered fulfilled as of the moment when the payment order is made for the payment of funds into the Wwwash bank account. Wwwash shall not be responsible for the exercise of the customer’s payment order
The user of the Wwwash app is responsible for the timely payment of all fees and for providing Wwwash with a valid payment method for payment of all fees.
Prices for services offered via the Wwwash app may change at any time, and Wwwash does not provide price protection or refunds in the event of a price reduction or promotional offering.
If technical problems prevent or unreasonably delay delivery of the service, the users’ exclusive and sole remedy is either replacement or refund of the price paid, as determined by Wwwash.
By using the Wwwash app, user agrees that they’re responsible for any and all fees charges and costs that the service provider charges for their mobile phone or mobile device service, such as fees for SMS, data services, other communications or other fees charged by their service provider. Users device service provider does not provide Wwwash Services.
After the user of the Wwwash app notifies Wwwash of any suspected error or unauthorized transaction, or Wwwash otherwise learns of one, Wwwash will conduct an investigation to determine whether there has been an error or unauthorized transaction that is eligible for refund. Wwwash will complete the investigation within 30 days of the date we received the users notification.
If Wwwash determines that there was an error, Wwwash will promptly credit the full amount of the error into the users account within 1 business day of determination.
You can cancel your Wwwash subscription at any time, and your subscription remains active through the end of your monthly billing period. To the extent permitted by the applicable law, payments are non-refundable and we do not provide refunds or credits for any partial-month subscription periods. To cancel, go to the “Subscriptions & Discounts” page in app and follow the instructions for cancellation.
If the Wwwash app user purchases a car wash program he/she has an option to start the car wash program immediately or keep the purchased program for future and is then considered as a pre-purchase program.
Exspiration of the pre-purchased program is considered to be the situation where the Wwwash app user has not consumed the pre-purchased program within 6 months from the purchasing date.
Wwwash is a mobile app enabling the customers requiring a car wash service to find a suitable car wash location by sharing data on their geographic location.
The use of the Wwwash app is based on a non-exclusive licence issued by Wwwash INC. The licence agreement is valid for a non-limited period and is free of charge for the customer. In case of any faults in the software, we shall endeavour to correct them as soon as possible, but please keep in mind that the functioning of the app may be restricted due to occasional technical errors and we are not able to guarantee unlimited faultless functioning of the app at all times. We shall also accept no liability for any losses incurred as a consequence of the Wwwash app not functioning or not being usable in the desired manner.
As the Wwwash app is a means of communication between customers and car wash service providers, Wwwash cannot influence or take any responsibility for the quality or defects of the service. For this reason, we are unable to guarantee consistently accurate and faultless provision of car wash services located via Wwwash. For resolving complaints please contact our support team (referred to in clause 1.3).
The Wwwash app does not constitute an offer or brokerage of car wash for customers. The Wwwash app is not a means for organising the provision of car wash services. It is also not an agency service for finding customers for car wash service providers.
The consumer’s right of refund (withdrawal) is not applied to Wwwash app purchases.
Wwwash shall have the right to add the personal data of the app user to the Wwwash database and to forward the personal data to car wash service providers in accordance with Wwwash’s Privacy Policy (
Wwwash shall have a right to make unilateral amendments to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy and to relinquish the database to third parties. We shall notify the users of changes to Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
Wwwash shall be entitled to transfer the database of personal data to third parties without prior notification of the app users. In case of a transfer of the business or the database, the rights and conditions arising from this licence agreement shall be transferred as well.
Wwwash shall be entitled to forward personal data and bank data to credit card and mobile payment intermediaries.
Wwwash has the right to send marketing messages and authentication codes through SMS and pop-up messages.
As Wwwash is not a provider or broker of the car wash service, we are unable to influence the quality of the car wash service. Any issues with defects or quality of the car wash service shall be resolved in accordance with the rules and regulations of the car wash service provider or the relevant supervisory authority.
Wwwash is committed to contributing to improvement of the quality of car wash services. For this reason, we might ask to fill out a feedback form in the Wwwash app. This enables us to offer suggestions to the car wash service providers for improving the quality of their service.
We expect that the users of the Wwwash app use the app in good faith and are respectful of the car washes that offer their services through Wwwash.
Wwwash is in no position to guarantee that every provider of car wash services, located via the Wwwash app, satisfies the customer’s expectations at all times. If you experience objectionable car wash service, please notify the company responsible for the service, a supervisory authority or our support team (referred to in clause 1.3).
For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, “Personal Data” are a natural person’s name and data enabling to identify them (name, personal ID code, date of birth), the data of their identification document, contact data (address, e-mail, telephone number), a bank account number and other personal data that have become known to Wwwash INC. If not stated otherwise in these Terms and Conditions, other words and word combinations written with a capital letter have the definitions provided in Wwwash INC.’s General Terms and Conditions.
Processing of Personal Data. Processing of Personal Data is any action performed with Personal Data, including collecting, storing, ordering, preserving, changing and disclosing, granting access to, making queries of and preparing excerpts from, using, forwarding, cross-using, merging, closing, deleting or destroying Personal Data, or several of the aforementioned actions, regardless of the manner of performing the actions and the means used to perform them.
The main purposes of processing Personal Data are to identify Car Wash Operators and Users, to communicate with Car Wash Operators and Users, to enable Wwwash INC.’s performance of the obligations undertaken with the General Terms and Conditions and to enable Wwwash INC.’s provision of the Service, to forward offers of Wwwash INC.’s products and services, to administrate and analyse the customer base for the improvement of availability, range, quality, etc. of services and goods, to ensure the fulfilment of payment obligations, and to make offers, organise campaigns and conduct customer satisfaction surveys, as well as to ensure the fulfilment of payment obligations.
Use of other sources. In addition to the Personal Data provided by Car Wash Operators and Users, Wwwash INC. shall have the right to verify and supplement the Personal Data of Car Wash Operators and/or Users from public sources and other lawfully accessible sources.
Wwwash INC. co-operates with persons to whom it can forward (and from whom it can query and receive) data, incl. Personal Data related to Car Wash Operators or Users in the framework and for the purpose of the relevant co-operation. Such persons may be companies conducting customer satisfaction surveys, debt collection service providers, credit registers, IT partners, persons mediating or providing settlement services, postage services or other services and goods, and other such institutions and organizations. Wwwash INC. shall not transfer, rent or give into use in any other manner the data related to any Car Wash Operator or User to any third party.
Data subject’s rights. Upon the processing of Personal Data, the Car Wash Operator and the User have all the rights stemming from the Personal Data Protection Act.
Wwwash INC. has the right to record all notices and orders given via communications means (e-mail, telephone, etc.), as well as information and other actions, and to use such recordings to prove the orders or other actions if necessary.
Processing of Personal Data. A Car Wash Operator or a User has the right to file a complaint concerning the processing of their Personal Data at any time, including to request the session of the processing of their own Personal Data, the cession of the disclosure of or provision of access to those Personal Data, and/or the deletion or destruction of the collected data, if such right stems from the Personal Data Protection Act or any other legislation. If a Car Wash Operator or a User finds that Wwwash INC. has violated their rights upon processing their Personal Data, they shall have the right to turn to Wwwash INC. with a request to cease the violation. A Car Wash Operator or a User has the right to turn to the Data Protection Inspectorate or a court at any time, to protect their rights.