How to get new car wash customers with Snabb?

Businesses need customers, the more loyal they are the better. But how do you find them? Snabb offers a range of solutions to attract and retain new customers. Below are ways to achieve just that: new, splashy customers.

Monthly Plan

A monthly ticket is a good way to increase your monthly income and retain customers. If the price is reasonable and the customer likes the service they receive, they are more likely to continue using your car wash. From the customer’s perspective, the process looks like this:

  1. For example, a customer buys a monthly ticket for €50 from the Snabb app;
  2. The customer drives up to the car wash, the car number is recognized and a welcome message and permission to enter the car wash appear on the screen.
  3. The car wash operator will be shown which wash program to activate
  4. At the end of the month, it’s possible to renew via bank link or from the Snabb app.


Credit is a good way to give your customers the feeling that they are getting more for their money, and this could be the main factor that makes them choose your laundry. From the customer’s point of view, the process would look like this:

  1. The customer pays €50 at the cashier or the Snabb app, but the Snabb app is charged €60
  2. The customer now only visits your car wash, while enjoying the convenience of the Snabb app.

Solution for Business client

Snabb for Business, or Snabb for Business, is a great way to provide businesses with convenient laundry and clear billing. It’s ideal for businesses with larger fleets or who wash their vehicles frequently. Of course, it’s also suitable for smaller operators who want to pay for their washes on a monthly basis and need a detailed overview of the washes they have done. For the customer, the process would look like this:

  1. A business customer with a car park wants to wash in your car wash facilities
  2. Agree on limits (i.e 3 washes per month per user)
  3. The business customer can change/add/delete the users of their fleet in the Snabb admin panel.
  4. We send you a full report of the car wash usage.
  5. Bill your customer directly by the report.

Automatic number recognition

The number recognition camera helps your customers to start washing much faster and more conveniently.

We’ll install a camera at the entrance to the car wash to detect all cars entering. If the vehicle is associated with a Snabb user, a notification will be sent, allowing you to quickly open the right car wash and start washing.

In the case of the car wash street, we will install a camera at the entrance of the car wash and 2 screens, one facing the user and one facing the laundry operator. Now, when a car drives in front of the car wash entrance, its number is read and displayed to both the customer and the car wash

It is now possible to create a magical customer experience and increase loyalty.

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